Partnerships & networks
We seek effective partnerships with organizations and consortia to create journalistic investigations and projects in areas such as public procurement, fiscal transparency and, in general, the accountability of institutions. Civio is a member of the following consortia and partnership networks:
Current member:
European Data Journalism Network (EdjNet)
A network of over 25 independent media organisations and data newsrooms producing and promoting data-driven coverage of European topics in several languages. The network brings together journalists, developers and policy experts. More information.
Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)
A non-profit international network of journalism organizations with over 250 members in 91 countries. Members.
ProAcceso coalition
Network of groups in Spain that promote recognition of the right to access data as a basic right. Members.
Former member:
Consorcio RECORD
Reducing Corruption Risks with Data. Multilateral project that aims to reduce corruption risk by analysing local level public procurement processes and tackling inefficient spending of public funds. Members: Civio (Spain), Access Info Europe (Spain) ePánstwo Foundation (Poland), Funky Citizens (Romania), K-Monitor (Hungary). More information.
Health Investigative Team (HIT)
A European journalism network investigating health-related issues such as access to medicines, corruption and lack of transparency in health systems. Led by Civio, HIT includes journalists from Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Finland, Belgium and Hungary. Open to new journalists interested in health.
State Capture Estimation and Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Policies at the Sectoral Level. The project aims at tackling anti-corruption deficiencies in high-risk EU member states by developing and implementing an integrated risk assessment tool for estimating state capture and monitoring of anti-corruption policies at the sectoral level. Members: Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), Expert Forum (Romania), Civio (Spain) and Università Degli Studi di Trento (Italy).
FANDANGO Consortium
European consortium aiming to provide unified techniques, integrating data analysis and media cooperation to detect and debunk fake news, enabling verified communications for all European citizens. Members: Engineering, LiveTech, CERTH, Siren Solutions, VRT, ANSA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Civio. Consortium
European Consortium for the creation of methods and tools for fiscal transparency in the H2020 framework of the EU. Members: Open Knowledge International, Journalism++, Open Knowledge Greece, Bonn University, Fraunhofer IAIS, Open Knowledge Germany, Transparency International, Vysoka Skola Ekonoomicka Prague and Civio.
CHEST Consortium
A European consortium which facilitates projects in the field of digital social innovation under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) 7 of the European Union. Among others, Onodo. Members: Civio and Eurecat.
Lobbying Tranparency
International co-operation network to promote an international standard for transparency in the regulation of lobbies. Members: Transparency International, Access Info europe, Sunlight Foundation, Open Knowledge International and Civio.
Subnational Government Pilot Program of the OGP
Pilot program to involve subnational governments in the Open Government actions promoted by the OGP. Guidance and evaluation for one of the chosen pilots, the City of Madrid.
If you have a national or international project idea and think we can bring our technical knowledge and experience to it, contact us. Le’s chat.