Journalism and action to monitor the public sphere

Transparent governments and informed citizens. That’s what we want and we can’t achieve it without your help.


Depending on where you pay taxes you can deduct, up to 80% of your donation in your next tax return.

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Responsable del tratamiento de datos personales: Fundación Ciudadana Civio. Finalidad: tramitar tu donación y la correspondiente deducción fiscal. Derechos: puedes ejercer los derechos que te reconoce la normativa de protección de datos escribiendo a la dirección: [email protected]. Puedes obtener más información sobre estos derechos en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

We're counting on you

We want you to be part of this. As a society, there is a lot at stake in the cause of transparency. When public authorities try to dodge it, they’re limiting our ability to defend our rights and interests.

We back journalism, advocacy and technology as means to improve our knowledge of public affairs and to ensure our relationship with governments and authorities is more transparent, fair, efficient and inclusive. Join an independent project that is growing thanks to the people who have decided to take part and help us investigate, influence and improve the commons, that which belongs to all of us.

Join an independent project that is growing thanks to the people who have decided to take part and help us investigate, influence and improve the commons, that which belongs to all of us.

The support of our members helps to:

  • Monitor public authorities, no matter who’s in power. Every day.

  • Investigate in-depth - with no time or effort spared - into problems that affect a social majority or vulnerable groups.

  • Translate the legal and bureaucratic jargon used by the authorities so that you can easily understand the implications for you and your rights.

  • Help thousands of people access benefits and services they are entitled to.

  • Make corruption and improper use of government procurement more difficult.

  • Win court cases against those who conceal information, thus reinforcing the ‘right to know’ for society as a whole.

  • Raise the transparency obligations at all levels of government and ensure they are complied with.

But to be able to extend our reach in 2022, we need you.

Becoming a member with a regular membership fee has the following advantages:

Priority access to the team

We're happy to clarify any questions, searching for information or data of interest to you. We'll rely on your support to help us improve and invite you to the annual get-together. And all with a warm smile!

A welcome gift

A copy of the book Españopoly signed and with a dedication from its author, Eva Belmonte. And make sure to look right inside the package, there might just be more surprises!

Early access to investigations

Be the first to hear the results of months of investigation into topics such as public procurement, justice, access to healthcare and more.

Donor wall

None of this would be possible without the priceless support of our members. This small tribute to their efforts is for them, along with our endless thanks.

Deduct up to 80% of your donation

We are a non-profit organization and as such, you can deduct up to 80% of your donation on your income tax return.

A deduction of 80% is applied to the first €150 donated to any organization over the year, with 35% applied to the remainder. To this, you can add a further 5% if this is the third consecutive year that you maintain or increase your quota.

We want you to fully understand these conditions because donating, in this context, proves more beneficial: it implies a lower real cost for you, and for us it helps us to go further.

Your donation Your deduction Your actual expenditure
 12 €/month 9,60 €/month 2,40 €/month
 24 €/month 14,03 €/month 9,98 €/month
 32 €/month 16,83 €/month 15,18 €/month
 70 €/year 56,00 €/year 14,00 €/year
 240 €/year 151,50 €/year 88,50 €/year
 460 €/year 228,50 €/year 231,50 €/year

If you pay taxes outside of Spain, in the Basque Country or Navarre, the tax deduction will be calculated differently, so see our Frequently Asked Questions below. Also if you are a legal entity. Please write to us if you have any questions regarding this point..

We'll prove to you that it's worthwhile

If there are two things that make us extremely happy these days, its:

- The many people who are grateful for us providing information that’s relevant to their own personal situation.

- The many members who tell us of their pride at being a vital part of this project.

A million thanks, sincerely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Civio does not receive any subsides or state aid, nor does it feature advertising. Increasing our community of donors allows us to work more steadily on long-term investigations, plan our projects, and not depend exclusively on the provision of services or winning international competitions and securing grants. It makes us stronger.

Your contribution, no matter how small, will help us to continue investigating and lobbying, to be able to independently disclose opaque practices in our public administrations.

We are already managing to make a difference, and there’s plenty more to be done.

We have introduced issues into political agenda and social debate that were not previously touched, such as transparency, the right to know, details of meetings between senior officials and lobbyists, or citizen participation.

We have driven change in regulations at all levels, from Congress to city councils, so that issues such as public procurement or the activity of lobby groups come under public scrutiny, thus helping to avoid corruption.

We have uncovered malpractices in public management, from institutional advertising campaigns that skirted the law to the arbitrary granting of pardons, which today comes with a political cost.

We have made complex information about public policies and the major decisions that affect us understandable for all citizens.

Do you want to know everything we have done during 2020? Click here and access our Management Report?

Of course, you can do so via this link.

Or if you prefer to donate via a bank transfer, you can make the payment to this account number, specifying “donation + your full name + your phone number or email address” in the comments.

IBAN ES22 0049 0001 5125 1185 1136

Once complete, we will contact you for further details regarding the certificate of donation.

We work for transparency and we lead by example. That is why we publicly acknowledge the support of the people who make our work possible. To guarantee this transparency and the fullest independence of our work, if you are a person of political importance (we will investigate with a basic search on the internet) or if your donation is equal to or greater than €150 per year, we can only accept said donation in your full name. If you prefer not to disclose your full name, your donation amounts to less than €150 per year and you have no political ties, let us know and we will include your initials only. Civio does not accept anonymous donations under any circumstances. Thank you for your contributions, which allow us to ensure our operation complies with the highest demands.

Yes, by donating as a legal entity you can also benefit from tax deductions as follows: 35% if you have been a member for less than three years and 40% from then onwards. If you pay taxes outside of Spain, in the Basque Country, or Navarra, the tax deduction will be calculated differently. Please write to us if you have any questions regarding this point.

When you decide to change your monthly contributions or stop your regular donations, simply contact us via: [email protected] or by calling +34 91 172 79 72.

  • If you pay your taxes in Navarra, you have the right to deduct 25% of your donations from your personal income tax (applicable regulation, Art. 33).

  • If you are a tax resident in the historical territory of Araba/Álava, you can deduct 20% of your donation (applicable regulation, Art. 21).

  • In the historical territory of Gipuzkoa/Guipúzcoa you are entitled to deduct 20% of your donation (applicable regulation, Art. 21).

  • In the historical territory of Bizkaia/Vizcaya the deduction amounts to 30% (applicable regulation, Art. 22).

If you have any questions, get in touch.

Contact us

Contact us if you have any questions or want to increase your donations.

[email protected]

+34 91 172 79 72