Civio is an organization which has been recognised for its journalistic investigations and its innovative use of technology. The following is a list of the awards we have received to date:

Shortlisted for the European Press Prize 2024 in the Innovation category

For the investigation “18 days spent phoning every half an hour in the hope that someone would answer the Minimum Living Wage helpline”. This is one of 25 projects nominated for the European Press Prize, one of the most important journalism awards in Europe. More information.

Shortlisted for the Sigma Awards 2024

For the investigation “Invisible queues at Social Security: not even a robot can find an appointment”. We are nominated for this international award, the most important in data journalism, along with 51 other projects from 22 countries. More information.

API Data Journalism Award 2022 for our investigations on emergency contracts during the pandemic

Awarded by the Investigative Journalists Association (API) in the category of Data Journalism. The jury highlighted that “this work brings to light data that would otherwise be completely hidden. It’s a clear example of investigative journalism that made an important impact”. (More information).

Ángela Bernardo, winner of the European Science Journalist of the Year 2022 award

Granted by the The European Federation for Science Journalism. Ángela won for a series of data-driven investigations on mental health and reproductive healthcare in Europe. The jury also valued her book-length journalistic work on sexual harassment and gender-based harassment in universities and public research organizations. (More information).

King of Spain International Journalism Award

Granted to Civio by Spain’s news agency EFE and the country’s agency for international cooperation and development (AECID) among 240 candidates from 17 Iberoamerican countries. The jury recognized our contribution to the search for transparency, truthfulness and accountability. (Más información).

II Vicente Verdú Award 2022 for our research on access to assisted reproduction.

Awarded by the Association of Journalists of Elche (AIE), in collaboration with the Miguel Hernández University and the City Council of Elche. There were 32 entries from media such as El País, El Mundo, RTVE, El Confidencial or The jury highlighted the depth of the research and the originality and usefulness of the interactive visualizations to explain a social problem of great relevance and denounce the discrimination of various collectives. (More information).

Accesit in the Miradas 2022 Award for our information on access to mental health.

Prize awarded by Fundación Manantial. The jury valued the contribution of our reports, coordinated for the European Data Journalism Network (EdjNet), to raising social awareness on this topic and reducing stigma. (More information).

Sigma Award 2022 - Use and abuse of emergency contracts during the pandemic

This serie was recognised as one of the 12 best data journalism works in the world among more than 600 entries from 70 countries. Other winners included such prestigious outlets as The New York Times, ProPublica, Al Jazeera, Disclose and La Nación.(More information).

Concha García Campoy Award in Science Journalism

Conceded by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences to Ángela Bernardo for this investigation on the conflicts of interest of Spanish doctors. (Keep reading)

Data Journalism Award 2019 - Eva Belmonte, Best Individual Portfolio

The jury granted Eva Belmonte the Best Individual Portfolio of the Year award during the Global Editors Network Summit, held in Athens (Greece). This award is the most prestigious international recognition within the data journalism field. (sigue leyendo).

Data Science Awards Spain 2018 - Best Data Journalism Investigation 2018

Awarded to Medicamentalia - Contraceptives, a global investigation into access to contraceptives around the world.

Second Albert Jovell Award for Excellence in Health Care Journalism 2018

Conceded by Janssen y and Cátedras en Red for Medicamentalia - Vaccines, a global investigation into access to contraceptives around the world.

Finalist - Inter American Press Association Awards for Excellence in Journalism 2018

For our investigations on the opacity of the Pharma industry. (More information).

Shortlisted - Best data journalism team 2017 in the Data Journalism Awards

Small newsroom (keep reading).

Second prize - II Transparency, Integrity and Fighting Corruption Award 2017

Conceded by Consejo General de la Abogacía Española and Transparency International Spain (keep reading).

Gabriel García Márquez 2016 Award - Journalistic Innovation

Gabriel García Márquez Awards Ceremony | Agencia Efe

Awarded for Medicamentalia, to Civio, by the Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano (FNPI). This is the most prestigious international prize for Iberoamerican journalism, and in which over 1600 entries competed (read more).

Data Journalism Award 2016 - Best Investigation of the Year (small newsroom)

Data Journalism Awards Ceremony 2016 | Cat Albeanu

The Global Editors Network presented an award to Civio for Medicamentalia among 471 entrants from over 50 countries. In other categories, winners included highly-esteemed media outlets such as ProPublica, La Nación Data, Buzzfeed News, FiveThirtyEight, Al Jazeera America, Quartz and the entire team behind the Panama Papers (read more).

APM Award - Best Young Journalist of the Year 2015

APM Awards Ceremony | APM / Pablo Vázquez

The Madrid Press Association awarded Miguel Ángel Gavilanes, Civio journalist, for “uncovering the breaches perpetrated in the management of Public Administrations” (read more).

Finalists - European Press Prize 2016 and DIG Award 2016

For Medicamentalia (read more).

iRedes Awards 2015 in the ‘institutional’ category

iRedes Burgos | Victoriano Izquierdo

The Ibero-American Congress on Social Networks awarded Civio for “putting technology at the service of citizen participation and the transparency of institutions” (read more).

Global Impact Competition 2015

Winners, in the name of our president Jacobo Elosua, of the Global Impact Competition 2015 in Spain, which awards innovative projects that, by harnessing technology, respond to large global challenges (read more).

OKFN Award - best non-public transparency initiative 2015

Awarded for the Spanish installment of the Open Knowledge Foundation for Our Daily Official Gazette (shared).

Official selection - Gabriel García Márquez Award 2014

For Spain in flames, our investigation into forest fires.

Nº 1 in the Innovative Journalism Ranking 2014 from the UMH

Chosen by experts at the University Miguel Hernández (UMH) in Elche, Civio, El Confidencial, Vis-à-Vis, and Acuerdo were named the 5 most innovative journalism initiatives that year.

OKFN Award - Best non-public transparency initiative 2014

Awarded for the Spanish chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation (read more).

Cibervoluntarios Award - Best Empowerment initiative 2013

Award for the Best Empowerment Initiative 2013 for putting innovation at the service of citizens, awarded by the Cibervoluntarios Foundation (read more).

None of this would have been possible without Civio’s collaborators. Want to join?