We are honoured that our information has been acclaimed by our fellow journalists both at home in Spain and abroad, with prizes and accolades that highlight our passion for investigation, the quest for the truth, and innovation at the service of the public.
From the prestigious Gabriel García Márquez and King of Spain awards to the Sigma and Data Journalism Awards, these achievements belong to all of our members.
Gabriel García Márquez Award for the best of Ibero-American journalism

🏆 2016 Winners of Journalistic Innovation for Medicamentalia, an investigation into access to essential medicines, from more than 1,600 candidates from Ibero-America [+].
🥉 Official selection 2014 for España en llamas (Spain in Flames), investigations and opening up of data on the forest fire tragedy.
King of Spain Award for Journalism, the most prestigious in our country

🏆 2022 Winners of The Best Media in Ibero-America among 240 nominations from 17 countries [+] for our contribution to the quest for transparency, veracity and accountability.
SIGMA Award for the best of global data journalism
🏆 2022 Winners for the investigation into emergency contract abuses in pandemics among more than 600 entries from 70 countries [+].
🥉 2024 Nominees for investigation into Social Security invisible queues.
Two Data Journalism Awards, previously the SIGMA Awards

🏆 2019 Winner, Eva Belmonte for Best Individual Portfolio [+].
🏆 2016 Winners for Best Investigation of the Year (small editorial) for Medicamentalia among 471 nominations from over 50 countries, 118 in our category [+].
2017 Finalists for Best Journalism Team Data (small newsroom).
European Press Prize
🥉 2024 Nominees in Innovation for the investigation into the silence on the other end of the helpline of the Minimum Living Income.
🥉 2016 Nominees for the Medicamentalia investigation intothe the price and access to essential medicines.
Other awards
🏆 Vicente Verdú Award for Journalism and Innovation 2022 for our investigation into assisted reproduction.
🏆 Award for the Best European Science Journalist of 2022 for Ángela Bernardo, from Civio.
🏆 Data Science Awards Spain 2018 Award for the Best Data Journalism for Medicamentalia - Contraceptives.
🏆 Concha García Campoy Award for Scientific Journalism to Ángela Bernardo, from Civio.
🥈 Finalists in the Journalistic Excellence Awards 2018 of the Inter-American Press Association.
🏆 Madrid Press Association (APM) Award to the Best Young Journalist of the Year 2015 for Miguel Ángel Gavilanes, from Civio.
🏆 Open Knowledge Foundation Award for the Best Non-Public Transparency Initiative of 2015.
🏆 Association of Investigative Journalists (API) Award 2022 in the Data Journalism category.
🥉 Runner-up in the Miradas Award 2022 for investigations into menatl healthcare.
🏆 Albert Jovell 2018 Award for the Best Journalistic Work in the healthcare field.
🥉 Runner-up in the II Transparency, Integrity and the Anti-Corruption Award 2017.
🥈 Finalists in the DIG Award 2016.
🏆 Global Impact Competition 2015 to Jacobo Elosua, from Civio.
🏆 iRedes Award 2015 in the Institutional category.
🏆 Open Knowledge Foundation Award for the Best Non-Public Transparency Initiative of 2014.
🏆 Cibervoluntarios Award for the Best Empowerment Initiative of 2013.
Why are we telling you all this?
Well, because such recognition is a testament to the dedication and ongoing hard work put in by our small team to offer journalism that’s some of the best in our field.
Because we hope you feel as proud about it as we do.
And because we continue to work daily to uphold and exceed the standards that have positioned us as a benchmark in independent investigative journalism.