We are the first organisation in Spain to specialise in monitoring public authorities. We demand transparent governments and institutions, and informed citizens. And we do this through journalism, advocacy and technology.

Our mission is to achieve true transparency in public affairs and provide the whole of society with the information it needs to demand transparency, responsibility and efficiency from administrations. To better defend their rights and interests. And to act accordingly.

We operate as a media outlet, but not a regular one. We are an independent and non-profit foundation. We’re not a business, we’re a public service: we’ve been working since 2012 for the public interest. In other words, for you, whether you support us or not.

Our journalism is meticulous, watchful and responsible. And we’re not afraid to get away from the news desk and kick start the steps we need to take in terms of transparency, corruption prevention and accountability. Journalism yes, but also initiatives to improve the system for the benefit of all.

In short, we disclose information that has the potential to strengthen our rights, enhance institutional responsibility and improve the public sector, the collective domain, that which belongs to every one of us.

And we’ve been waiting for you, so we can do it together.

The journalism we believe in

We investigate the government, no matter who’s in power, every day and ever better.

We treat our readers for what they are: discerning people with a range of opinions and criteria of their own. We don’t buy the narrative or the agenda of the powers that be to sell it on to you. We have our own, which is simple but ambitious: greater transparency, accountability and opening the public sphere to citizens. It’s a matter of pride for us that the political party that today praises Civio data or achievements, tomorrow considers us an inconvenience. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing our job right.

We’re passionate about untangling complex matters to tell the facts as they are. We don’t release publications every day nor into every subject, because in that case we wouldn’t be able to remain financially sound. Neither do we compromise on quality or time: we give it our all because we go one step further. We share our data, sources and methodologies so that anyone can use and even inspect our work. We view information as a public service because that’s what it should be. That’s why we offer it free-of-charge and without a payment wall, opinion and advert-free. We’ll never leave anybody out.We understand the risks and we accept them. That’s why we need your support.

Purpose, action and change

Spain’s lack of a true culture of transparency - real, efficient and non-partisan, scant government accountability and the usual inaction - if not obstruction - on the part of the authorities in helping us to understand important information that affects us all: these are the challenges we are tackling.

In the face of these, we play an indispensable role: we’ve spent almost 10 years putting transparency at the service of the people, their rights and interests. The proof can be seen in real progress, the positive impact for the whole of society that we’re bringing about with our way of doing journalism and advocacy. Here are a algunos ejemplos, made possible thanks to the support of our members:

Our strength

  • Over 12 years of operational and financial sustainability and independence.
  • A small team of just 10 people, but packed with experience and motivation to take on the challenge.
  • Three and a half million readers on our website in 2020.
  • An extensive network of partner media, both local and international.
  • The prestige of having won some of the most important journalism prizes in the world.
  • Real and demonstrable impact that benefits society as a whole.
  • And above all, the drive and confidence to grow with almost 1.800 extraordinary members by our side.

Be a part of it

Joining our project and helping it to grow is one way for people to contribute to fixing something that doesn’t work. Challenging opacity, administrative silence and the important decisions that are taken behind citizens’ backs.

We’re people like you and we have decided to take a stand. Transparent government and informed citizens. That’s what we want and we can’t do it without your support.