Spain in flames: About this project
Spain in flames is a project initiated by Juan Elosua in 2012 and continued by Civio. A web application allows readers to visualize and explore previously unpublished data for all the forest fires of 1 hectare or more which occurred in Spain between 2001 and 2015, putting in context the fires that still occur today. The user can conduct a “guided tour” through some key findings or explore the data herself. This initiative was possible thanks to the 6,430 euros collected via crowdfunding from 143 citizens to investigate forest fires rigorously.
Between 2012 and 2017, the journalistic researches were carried out by Marcos García Rey (investigative journalist for El Confidencial and a member of the ICIJ), Hugo Garrido (journalist at El Mundo Data) and Juan Elosua (former developer of news apps at NPR).
More information on the methodology.