Do you want to improve your relationship with citizens? Count on us to achieve it

Citizenship is demanding changes in public entities. Civio helps your organization understand them and give concrete answers to their demands.

Transparency in public organizations is a growing demand in society. It is not a fashion or a fad. It鈥檚 normal, and in Civio we help you achieve it.

We develop innovative technological projects so that public sector entities apply a civic approach to their actions in transparency and open government:

As of 2017, nearly 17 million citizens have already benefited in Spain from our actions to make the management of public budgets understandable by their administrations through Where do my taxes go.

For all this, the work of Civio is recognized nationally and internationally:

  • iRedes 2015 Award for putting technology at the service of participation and transparency (Ibero-American Congress on Social Networks)
  • Award to the Best Non-Public Transparency Initiative for 2014 and 2015 (Open Knowledge Foundation - Spain)
  • Prize to the Best empowerment initiative of 2013 for putting the innovation to the service of the citizen (Fundaci贸n Cibervoluntarios)

Do you want to be part of the most innovative public organizations applying a civic approach to your management?

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Communicate how your organization manages public resources

Where do my taxes go?

We help local, autonomous and national governments show their information in a visual, clean and structured way to get them closer to their citizens.

Where do my taxes go? shows the reality of income and expenditure both in the budget planning phase and in the execution phase, with updated and comparable data.

In 2012 David Cabo, director of Civio, made the first version of this project and got a public administration, the Basque Government, to publish and show their budget planning and final budget execution data in a clear and visual way. The current version of the platform is based on the open source version by Aragon Open Data.

Contact us and we will create an interactive application that facilitates the consultation of your budget and that fits in the web of your organization.

Let鈥檚 talk

Where do my taxes go? allows you to view your organization鈥檚 budgets in an accessible and attractive way while keepingg the corporate identity of your own website -in a unique URL- and share that information through the main social networks.

It does so in an intuitive way, and makes the information easily understandable even for people without previous knowledge.

At the same time, it facilitates access to budget details so that anyone interested in delving deeper into what is spent and how it is spent does so with just a few clicks.

Download the Where do my taxes go? brochure

Make your organisation more transparent


  • Online and face-to-face training in Open Data. We develop training actions so that professionals from public entities learn how to manage the technological tools necessary to identify, treat and visually present information relevant to citizens in open formats.
  • Training in data journalism. We teach you to extract, clean, analyze and visualize large amounts of data for journalistic or communicative purposes. In addition to making information more comprehensible through articles, infographics, data visualizations or interactive applications, you will learn to find stories that would otherwise remain hidden.
  • Face-to-face training in transparency. We teach public organizations how they are affected by the Transparency Law and regional and local regulations, and to give an adequate response to requests for information, putting citizens at the center of their initiatives.

Let鈥檚 talk

Pro-transparency measures

In addition, we help you adopt pro-transparency measures in your organization.

Incorporates into the day-to-day management of your organization concrete actions to operate in a more transparent way, to achieve better accountability and to guarantee citizens a better democracy.

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Open your decisions to citizen participation

Participatory Budgeting

We have taken the next step to help public entities not only make their budgets transparent (through Where do my taxes go?) but also participative, so citizens can contribute their opinions and priorities to the budget management processes of the institutions that govern it.

As part of an international consortium led by Fraunhofer IAIS Germany, Civio has developed an open, easy-to-use, flexible and attractive open source transparency and budget transparency platform:

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Make the citizens know and understand your organization鈥檚 procurement

Visualization of public procurement

Civio works to ensure that your organization can comply with applicable public procurement law and to facilitate the re-use of key information about it.

Our goal is that any citizen, company, researcher, journalist or organization understands the use that public bodies make of public resources.

For this we are developing a platform that analyzes and publishes in open format data on contract awards, payments to suppliers and public subsidies.