Medicamentalia is an international journalistic project by Civio on global access to health. It combines investigative journalism, data analysis and field reporting in several countries around the world, and currently consists of three investigations:

Medicamentalia I - Medicines (2015)

Medicamentalia II - Vaccines (2017)

Medicamentalia III - Contraceptives (2018)

This project has been funded by three journalistic innovation grants on development issues, awarded by the European Center for Journalism and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2014, 2015 and 2017. None of these organizations had prior access to the investigations before publication.

Civio’s team has relied on an extensive network of top-level collaborators and media outlets that have amplified the scope of this research: EuroNews, El Mundo, La Sexta TV, Correct!v, EuroScientist, Il Sole 24 Ore, 20 Minutes, Cadena Ser, La Nación and Knack Magazine are some of them.

Medicamentalia has received two of the most prestigious international journalism awards: the Gabriel García Márquez 2016 in innovation and the Best Investigation of the Year 2016 (small newsroom) in the Data Journalism Awards. It was also finalist for the European Press Prize 2016 and the DIG Awards.

Medicamentalia is a project on the move. If you want to help us find the prices of medicines, vaccines or contraceptives in other countries, add them to our database –following our research methodology– or if you are a media interested publishing this work, contact us.