
Investigations and stories about conflicts of interest, revolving doors, lobbying and high-ranking public officials.

Who rules?

Meetings on public health between top European Commission officials and lobbies increase exponentially due to pandemic

Meetings with dozens of assistants and thousands of civil servants fly under the radar of the EU's transparency register. The heads of the pharmaceutical industry, EFPIA is one of the most active lobby groups. In less than a year and a half since the start of the pandemic they have held as many meetings with senior Commission officials as in the last five years como en los cinco aƱos anteriores.

Who rules?

The Heir's Court

Although his network of influential relations has yet to reach the levels of his father's, the two Prince Felipe foundations have enabled him to surround himself with the most important businesspeople in the country.

Who rules?

Bankers by Default

Prior to its downfall, politicians and their advisors occupied all the highest positions at Bankia, a new display of the typical division of seats between the countryā€™s principle political parties.

Who rules?

The Mother Ship Bankia

When the company was first nationalized, it had 18 board members, all of whom were politicians, family members or businessmen, creating a tangle of conflicting interests.