About this project
Your right to know was the first web in Spain that enabled users to easily request information from any public institution, even when there was no Transparency Act enacted. It was a joint initiative by Civio and Access Info Europe, and it launched in March 2012. The project also served as an advocacy tool, and created social awareness about the need for transparency.
Your right to know channeled, while it was available, over 1,800 requests for information, putting some 900 agencies and public administrations within reach of a single click. Around 400,000 people visited the site, which showed both the requests and the responses of the administrations. And many thousands more, through its blog, received accurate information about the Transparency Act, its practical use, limits and implementation. It was also a powerful lobby tool.
Due to restrictive electronic ID requirements and the government refusal to answer citizens via email, we were forced to close the applicatoin in December 2015. We no longer channel requests, but this section is the leading source of information on the daily exercise of the Right to Know in Spain.