Towards transparency of automated decisions

At Civio, we are involved in a legal process that could define the future of transparency in automated decisions. These decisions, made by computer programs and algorithms, directly affect our lives: from who receives state benefits to how essential resources are allocated.

The Supreme Court already has our appeal for reversal in the BOSCO case—on the program that decides who is eligible for the electricity discount rate—in its hands. But what is at stake here goes far beyond this particular case: it could set a key precedent for citizens’ access to the “bowels” of the automated systems used by public authorities.

Public algorithms decide on rights and resources that affect us all. Without transparency, we cannot audit their operations, identify errors or prevent arbitrariness and misuse. In 2019, we demonstrated that BOSCO was riddled with serious failures that denied aid to vulnerable people who met the requirements. Yet without access to the complete code, we cannot say what further errors it contains.

The BOSCO case is not just about a program; it’s about the type of government administration we want: one that’s open to scrutiny or a black box that conceals decisions that affect us on a daily basis.

In short:

Automation is redefining our relationship with the public sector. If we are unable to find out how these systems work, we are at risk of arbitrary and discriminatory decisions that breach our rights.

The BOSCO case files, made public

We are making the documents generated in this lawsuit public, so they can be used by other people and organisations:

Journalism and action to monitor the public sphere

Transparent governments and informed citizens. That’s what we want and we can’t achieve it without your help.


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